OnMarch 8, 2012, Paul Perme was invited to attend the City of Edgewood Kentucky’s Senior Expo as part of the Connecting Hearts Exhibit. Paul was able to share with many ofthe seniors in attendance the importance of the PERS (PersonalEmergency Response System) Devices offered by Dial One Security. These devices integrate into your Security System and are most frequently worn either as a pendant around your neck, on a wristband, or as a panic button that allow the user to summon emergency help at the push of a button.
The PERS Devices allow the users to maintain their sense of freedom by helping them to live in their homes as long as possible, while providing their family members with the piece of mind that if their loved one should have an emergency, help is but the push of a button away.
If you should have any questions about the PERS Devices from Dial One Security, give Paul a call at 513-527-4400