With the days of summer waining and the cold weather approaching, we encourage our commercial clients that have duct smoke detectors, to have them cleaned. Dust which has collected in the ductwork over the summer often gets disturbed with the start up of the furnace at the beginning of the heating season. These dust particles can affect the duct smoke detectors, and sometimes as the dust particles are heated, they will create some smoke, causing the system to go into a state of alarm.
Careful planning and scheduling should be taken to minimize the impact on the building occupants should the ventillation system need to be powered down in order to test and clean the detectors. Before cleanning the duct smoke detectors, the proper authorities should be notified that the system is undergoing maintenance and will be temporarily out of service. Temporarily disable the zone or system that contains the duct smoke detectors to avoid any unnecessay alarms and the possible dispatch of the fire department.
If your duct smoke detectors are not tied into your alarm and are strictly part of your HVAC system you should contact your HVAC contractor.
Contact Dial One Security at 513-527-4400, should you need to schedule the cleaning of your duct smoke detectors.