Safety Policy
It is the policy of this Company to strive for the highest safety standards on our projects. Safety does not occur by chance. It is the result of careful attention to all Company operations by those who are directly and indirectly involved. Employees at all levels must work diligently to execute the Company’s policy of maintaining safety and occupational health.Our safety program has been developed to assure compliance with federal, state, and local regulations with particular emphasis on the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSHA), and the OSHA requirements that apply to our construction operations. It is the obligation of all employees to be knowledgeable of the standards established by these agencies, and to implement the rules and regulations contained herein on projects under their direction.
Regard for the safety of the general public, our own employees, and the employees of our subcontractors is a supreme responsibility of all levels of our organization. We intend to prevent any human suffering. Accidents, even minor ones, cause pain, both physical and mental. Prevention of injury and illness is a goal well worthy of our achieving.
Our company has developed a basic safety and accident prevention program that is followed on all projects regardless of size. The program’s primary thrust is to anticipate and control marginal safety acts and conditions which may exist during each job function.
As policy, it is required that all supervisory personnel at each operation establish sound, definite, and comprehensive safety measures commensurate with work being done. Our lead installer must, at the very beginning of the job, personally inform other employees of safety requirements, and be constantly alert to enforce these regulations. Supervisors at all levels are required to vigorously enforce our program to ensure safety experiences that reflect gainfully during the progress of work for the welfare of our employees and the owner.
A safe operation is organized, clean, and efficient. If every employee views accidents in the same way we consider all other aspects of our operations, we will be in a better position not only to control accidents but also to improve the total performance our Company. It is therefore of utmost importance that all aspects of our safety program be strictly adhered to and that the intent of this program be followed to the letter. Any recommendations to improve our safety program are encouraged and welcomed.