Hazardous Communication Plan
I. Â Â Â Purpose
Dial One Security, Inc.establishes this Hazard Communication Plan pursuant to Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations (29 CFR 1910.1200) in order that all chemicals used in our offices and on our job sites and all potential hazards are evaluated and the information concerning these hazards conveyed to employees and clients. Â The Hazard Communication Plan involves labels, material safety data sheets (MSDS), employee training and use of personal protective equipment (PPE), employee access to written records, and a written hazard communication plan.
The hazard communication regulations apply to any hazardous chemical that is known to be present in the workplace in such a manner that employees and/or clients may be exposed under normal conditions of use, or in a foreseeable emergency. Â The definition of “hazardous chemical” under the standard is extremely broad, and includes any chemical that is a physical hazard or a health hazard. Â The OSHA standard sets out a procedure for hazard determination, and any substance determined to be hazardous under this procedure is subject to the program.
II. Â Hazard Communication Responsibilities
Lead Installers, supervisors or office employees are responsible for:
1. Â Â Creating and maintaining an inventory of all chemicals and supplying this inventory to the Safety Coordinator (Rob Singer).
2. Â Â Ensuring that all chemicals are properly labeled, and that these labels are not removed or defaced.
3. Â Â Informing employees and/or clients of any tasks in their work area which involve the presence of hazardous chemicals as well as the location and availability of the written hazard communication program, the inventory, and the MSDS.
4. Â Â Obtaining an MSDS from the vendor for each chemical and and suppling the Safety Coordinator a copy of the MSDS (perferably in PDF format ) for placement on our publicly accessible WEB Site.
5. Â Â Training employees and/or clients about specific hazards relating to the work or instruction area or practices therein.
6. Â Â Determining the required PPE for the procedures and materials in use in their area.
7. Â Â Ensuring that the proper PPE is available and that the employees and/or clients are trained and encouraged in its use.
8. Â Â Developing safe procedures for work or instruction in their area, as well as written procedures for emergencies and evacuations, and training employees and/or client in those procedures.
9. Â Â Informing employees and/or students about proper performance of non-routine tasks ( See Section VI).
Other Employees:
1. Â Â Â Planning and conducting each operation according to the Hazard Communication Program.
2. Â Â Â Maintaining his or her work area in good order.
3. Â Â Â Using the required PPE and taking proper care of said equipment.
4. Â Â Â Reporting immediately any exposures, injuries or problems to a supervisor or to the Safety Coordinator.
5. Â Â Reviewing the MSDS prior to using a substance for the first time, and reviewing it periodically thereafter.
The Safety Coordinator is responsible for:
1. Â Â Maintaining a master list of all chemicals on campus and coordinating the annual updates.
2. Â Â Maintaining on the WEB Site a current MSDS for every chemical.
3. Â Â Serving as information resource to any local Fire Departments on chemicals in use by Dial One Security, Inc.
4. Â Â Conducting inspections to ensure compliance with the Hazard Communication Program.
5. Â Â Maintaining a copy of all training records.
6. Â Â Assisting Lead Installers or supervisors when the need arises.
7. Â Â Evaluating this program and updating it as needed.
The Purchasing Department is responsible for:
1. Â Â Instructing all outside contractors to contact the Safety Coordinator for specific information about hazardous chemicals in use by Dial One Security, Inc. that may pose a risk to thier employees.
2. Â Â Requiring all contractors to provide the Safety Coordinator and Lead Installers or Supervisors with information concerning hazardous chemicals brought into any Dial One General Electronic Security, Inc. facility to be used in contracted work before that work begins.
3. Â Â Forwarding upon receipt all MSDS received to the Safety Coordinator.
III. Â Hazardous Chemicals Inventory
The Supervisor or Lead Installer is required to maintain a list of all chemicals known to be present in each work area. Â The inventory must identify each chemical by the primary name on the label, average quantity on hand, and the location of the chemical. Â The inventory must be kept in the work area in a suitable format, on a log sheet, or in a computer. Â The inventory must be available during the work period. Â The inventory, along with any changes, additions or deletions, must be relayed to the Safety Coordinator immediately. Â Small quanities such as single cans of cleaner or paint may be listed simply with the Vehicle Inventory.
IV. Â Labeling and Storage Requirements
The Supervisor or Lead Installer must ensure that all hazardous chemicals in his/her area of responsibility are properly labeled. Â Labels should list the chemical identity, appropriate hazard warnings and the name and address of the manufacturer, importer or the responsible party. Â Portable containers of working solutions must be labeled appropriately unless they are intended for immediate use by the employee.
Chemicals stored in bulk quantities, pipelines and storage tanks are required to be adequately labeled. Â Storage tanks or drums can be labeled collectively rather than labeling individual containers if they are not removed from the labeled area and if the hazards are the same. Â It is the responsibility of the Supervisor or Lead Installer ordering and using these bulk chemicals to ensure adequate labeling.
V. Â Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
MSDS are an integral part of the safety program at Dial One Security, Inc.. MSDS provide employees and clients with specific information on the chemicals used by Dial One Security, Inc.. Â It is the policy of Dial One Security, Inc. that a copy of each MSDS for each chemical used by the Company be posted on our publicly accessible WEB Site. Â DO NOT receive any new chemicals until the Safety Coordinator has obtained a copy of the MSDS (this includes any samples).
Upon arrival of a previously non-listed chemical, the vendor will present an MSDS. Â This MSDS should be supplied to the Safety Coordinator before the chemical is used. Â Upon arrival of a previously listed chemical, the vendor may present an updated MSDS. Â This MSDS should be filed with the Safety Coordinator as soon as possible. Â All MSDS of chemicals shall be kept on file for 30 years.
VI. Â Non-Routine Tasks
Employees have to be informed of what, if any, hazardous material they may encounter while performing a job or task that they do not normally perform. Â It is the responsibility of the Lead Installer to provide appropriate information and appropriate protective measures required to safely perform the task.
VII. Â Employee Training and Information
Employees will receive hazard communication training whenever a new material or procedure is introduced into the workplace, or whenever the Safety Coordinator feels that refresher training is in order. Â This training must include:
1. Â Â Physical and health hazards of chemicals in the work or instruction area.
2. Â Â Methods and observation techniques used to detect the presence or release of a hazardous chemical.
3. Â Â How to lessen or prevent exposure to these hazardous chemicals through usage of controls, work practices and PPE.
4. Â Â How to use MSDS information.
5. Â Â How to read and understand labels.
6. Â Â The proper use of any required PPE.
All training shall be documented by recording the training session subject(s), date and attendees. Â These training records will be maintained in Dial One Security, Inc.’s standard computerized Training Database.
Information about the Company’s Hazard Communication Plan will be disseminated to all new employees via our internet site. Â All new employees must be trained by their supervisor concerning hazardous chemicals in the workplace at the time of initial assignment and whenever a new hazard is introduced into the work area.